Category Archives: Tournaments

Two bowl singles winner

Twelve bowlers signed up for the annual two-bowl singles tournament. It was a very tough field: Shawn, Cathy, Cris, Robin, Frankie, Des/Susan, Millard, Ted, Ray, John, Ann and Erwin. The combatants bowled two 14-end games in the morning, took a lunch break, and then bowled two more 14-end games. The top four bowlers would move on to the semi finals.

Shawn Roney

Shawn Roney, a mighty fine bowler!

Except, we had a tie for 4th place. Robin and Ray played a seven end tie breaker. Ray won. So, Ann, Shawn, Millard and Ray moved on to the the semi finals. Ray bested Ann and Shawn bested Millard, so the stage was set for the final game. Ray took an early lead, but Shawn fought back. At the end of six ends, the score was tied 4 to 4. Shawn squeaked by with a 5 to 4 win. Well done Shawn! We ended the day with a “spider”; John was the happy winner. All in all it was a fun day of bowling.

Huge thanks to Cathy, Susan and Sarah for setting up a lovely breakfast spread and for providing lots of treats throughout the day.

Congratulations to Shawn Roney, 2014 two bowl champ.

2014 Triples Champions/Familiar Faces

Eighteen bowlers showed up on time and ready to bowl in the club triples match today. The format was random draw with three fourteen end games.

The team comprised of Frankie Napoli (skip), Ted Crum (vice) and Cris Benton (lead) finished the day with three wins and 23 plus points. They had a perfect record for the day and this was a repeat for Cris who was on the winning team in 2013. Our forever young Ted Crum was declared the team’s MVP

Dave Rockhold (skip) with Xian Zhi Luo (vice) and Andy Stapleton (lead) finished in second with two wins and 16 plus points.

It was indeed a beautiful day with a refreshing breeze to moderate the expected hot weather.

Berkeley NOVICE Rob Hoey is PIMD Open Men’s Singles Champ

What an accomplishment! Berkeley’s own Rob Hoey went into the PIMD Open Men’s Singles as a bona fide novice.

All he had to do was beat Larry Collaco in the opening game. And he did! I think many of us have had a taste of what Larry can bring to a match.

OK, let’s move on. It’s Rob vs. Fred Anast in Game 2. Game on, Rob wins again.

So, if you’ve made it this far, facing Jerry Knott in the championship game shouldn’t be much of a hassle. Rob brought his A-game once again and surfaced as the 2014 Men’s Singles Champion.

Yours truly simply dropped the ball on posting this important bit of Berkeley LBC news. I’ve got excuses, but that’s all they are. What needs to be said to the world and to Robin Hoey is this – CONGRATULATIONS ROB ON A JOB WELL DONE!!!

Berkeley bowlers fare well in Senior Games

The 2014 Senior Games (hosted by the Palo Alto Lawn Bowling Club) was, as anticipated with so many great bowlers, full of exciting matches. There were several games that were tied at the last end. This year two BLBC members won medals. Our own Bob Schwartz and his partner, Larry Collaco, won the gold medal in pairs. (Well done, Bob!)Gold medal winners

Our other BLBC member, Ann Brillhart, above, won a silver medal in triples with teammates Bud Birkenseer and Sam Hebert. Bud, Sam and Ann won the bronze medal last year. Let’s hope they can win the gold next year!


Frankie Napoli Wins Two Bowl Singles

There was a little mist in the air when fourteen souls showed up this morning for the annual two-bowls singles tournament. Tournament director Gary Knox arranged for three preliminary twelve end matches to find the top four bowlers for more bowling after lunch. In the end, it was Phil Grattan facing Frankie Napoli in the final match. At the tenth end, victory was out of reach and Phil resigned the match. Congratulations, Frankie on your second tournament win of the 2013 season.

Thanks to Gary for another well run event and to Ann Gardiner for the snacks.

The final tournament of the year will be for our novices in another singles event.

2013 Triples Winner

Twelve hearty souls and a backup appeared this morning in a light mist, anxious to bowl in this year’s Mixed Draw Triples tournament. A few familiar faces were missing, but the cast of characters was replete with good bowlers. The format this year was a round-robin with each team playing each other team. The winner was determined by either game points or, in the event of a tie, by the outcome of the match between the teams in the tie. That, for the record, is how it turned out; the team led by Skip Phil Grattan was victorious having beaten the team led by skip Dave Rockhold 9-7 in a tight game decided on the final bowl of the match.

The teams were:

Phil Grattan
Ann Gardiner
Cris Benton (Novice)

Dave Rockhold
Cathy Dinnean
Ted Crum

Howard Mackey
John Hooper

Shawn Roney
Millard Long
Gary Knox

Four bowl singles results

Another stellar day of bowling at BLBC! Fourteen bowlers showed up all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed on Saturday for the annual in-house singles tournament. This year’s format was fairly simple, everyone bowled three games to 15 points. When the dust settled, four bowlers had accumulated the best record for the day. Ann Gardiner, Shawn Roney, Howard Mackey, and Jim Corr, were ‘in it to win it’.

The four decided to finish their semi final matches on the same day even though they had to option of scheduling it another day. I suppose busy lives trumped feeling tired from a long day of bowls.

After the two semi final 18-point matches, Jim Corr and Shawn Roney advanced to the 21 point final game which was played on May 22nd. The game lasted nearly two hours. Jim Corr was off to a slow start, but steadily gained on Shawn. In the 27th end with the sun just about to set, Jim scored the winning point; 21 to 18 being the final score. Congratulations to everyone who participated in the tournament.

Berkeley Jamboree 2013

What a fantastic day for the Berkeley Jamboree! Bowlers came to Berkeley last Saturday from lawn bowling clubs all over the bay area plus a sizable contingent from Leisure Town LBC. The Jamboree was organized by Howard Mackey with help from Susan Jamart, Cathy Dinnean, and Ann Gardiner. This is a unique tournament in that every attempt is made to see that each player plays with different team mates for each game.

Cash prizes are given to the individual bowler with the greatest number of points. This year, a lead from Leisure Town, Johanna Smith, took top honors. Everyone is a winner at the Jamboree – good bowling, lots of fun, and ice cream for everyone.

Berkeley LBC would like to thank those who attended. We would also like to extend a special note of thanks to Cris Benton who took a special series of aerial photographs from a 35 foot carbon fiber pole. The series offers a special view of the event. Please check out Cris’ slide show or Flicker set.

Cris is a brand new member of BLBC who is taking to the game like a duck to water. Welcome, Cris, and thank you for the wonderful pictures.