All posts by Rolayn Tauben

Berkeley Duo Wins Pairs Championship, 5/21/2022

Report by Jim Corr

The 2022 PIMD (All Gender) Pairs Tournament featured several “firsts.” It was the first in two years due to the COVID pandemic ruling out this competition for 2021, and was the first ever to be held in two stages at two different greens. It was also, as far as anyone could recall, the first in PIMD to feature the “strength-to-strength” format in the final round. As far as the two-greens element is concerned, the thinking behind the PIMD Tournament Committee’s decision was that prowess at two different venues would be a good indicator of the worthiness of the champions.

Sixteen teams signed up for the event, with the first round being held at Rossmoor LBC on Saturday, May 14, randomly assigned to four round robin sections of four teams. The two winners of each section, plus the next four best in the overall standings advanced to the final round, which was held at the Berkeley club a week later.

At the latter stage, teams were matched “strength-to-strength,” which meant the team ranked Number 1 from the preliminary round played Number 2, Number 3 played Number 4, and so on down the line. Following the results of the first game, teams were re-sorted according to their new position in the standings and again played 1 v 2, 3 v 4, etc. After the second game, the process was repeated once more. Two features of this format are notable: first, as the name implies, teams get matched against their close peers from the preliminaries and, second, a team in the lower reaches of the rankings can make considerable progress toward the top if they win all their second round games and depending on how other results fall out. This latter element proved to be quite relevant.

Coming into the finals, the husband and wife team of Larry Collaco and Gloria Rios (Rossmoor) led the way, but in the first game lost out to the Berkeley duo of Hugo Deaux and Jim Audas, the only other team to have won all three games in Round 1. Hugo and Jim A. followed that with an exceedingly close win over Jim Corr (Berkeley) and Micheal McClintock (Santa Clara) that saw one of those “turning point” shots that bowlers know only too well. Holding four in the head, which would have put them two up with two ends left, Jim C. decided to try for five but, narrowly missing the line, succeeded in hitting in one of the opponents’ bowls, thereby reducing the margin on that end to one. The three-point swing was more than enough to account for Hugo and Jim Audas’s victory by one point. In another narrow win, Hugo and Jim A. overcame Tom Burnoski and Ian Cameron (San Jose) in Match 3, thereby becoming the only team to go undefeated over the two rounds of the tournament and thus well-deserved champions.

Also impressive was the performance of David Eldred and Ron Esparaza (San Francisco). Starting off the final day in last (12th) place, they put together a string of three victories and marched through the rankings to end up in 4th—and right on the heels of Tom and Ian who took third place with a one-point better differential.

Congratulations to Hugo and Jim and thanks to all at both clubs who put in the time and effort to make the event a great success.

-Jim Corr

Thank you Bernie Birt for the great photos!
You can find more photos from the day on the PIMD website

6th Place (l-r) Peter Colquhuon, Chuck Fung, TD Bud Birkenseer

Berkeley Jamboree–Better Late Than Never!

Here is Jim Corr’s 5/24/2022 report on the outcome of the 5/7/2022 Berkeley Jamboree

Berkeley Jamboree–Better Late Than Never!

Berkeley Bowlers:

It’s taken a while. So with apologies for the delay, here’s the outcome of the Jamboree.

While all lawn bowling is meant to be fun (a poor day bowling is better than a great day in front of the computer, as we like to say), the Berkeley Jamboree is one of the “funner” tournaments on the bowls calendar. Founded more years ago than most of us can remember by Howard Mackey, a longtime beloved BLBC bowler and holder of many positions of responsibility at the Club over the years, this three game triples tournament has an unusual format in which participants retain their position (Skip, Vice, or Lead) throughout, but change teams over the course of the day. All bowlers hand in a scorecard for each of their games and, at the end, when the numbers are totted up, prizes go to the three top performers in each position.

This year’s event, held on Saturday, May 2022 and overseen by Hugh Deaux, had its own mini-crisis as all nine would-be participants from the Leisure Town club had to call off near the last minute because of a COVID outbreak among its members. With some scrambling and arm-twisting, mainly of BLBC members, by Hugo, he still managed to field a force of 36 bowlers on the day. Perhaps the resulting over-preponderance of Berkeley bowlers in the numbers—or home green advantage—affected the results. (The only alternative explanation, of course, would be the undoubted skill of BLBC bowlers 😉)

When all was said and done: the winners were as follows:
Rolayn Tauben (Berkeley)
Gary Samonsky (Berkeley)
Charles Russo (Berkeley)
Jim Audas (Berkeley)
Glenn Nunez (Berkeley)
David Eldred (San Francisco)
Sal Garcia (Berkeley)
Larry Murphy (San Francisco)
Fred Anast (Palo Alto)

Congrats to all the prize winners, and as always, a big shout out to our great hospitality team who prepared sustenance, to those who helped with green prep and takedown, and to Dave McMullen, Greenskeeper, who put in many hours to bring the green literally “up to speed.” Photo Credits to Rolayn Tauben (titling is mine).

PS: A report on the 2022 PIMD Pairs Tournament will be forthcoming shortly, either from me or PIMD President Arthur Stewart. Spoiler alert: this year’s champions are Berkeley’s own Hugo Deaux an Jim Audas.

BLBC at the 2022 Aussie Pairs

Here is the Aussie Pairs Report with photographs credited to Jeff Schaper.

This year’s PIMD Aussie Pairs[1]  Tournament was held at Rossmoor LBC on Saturday April 23, with a full field of 84 hopefuls forming 42 teams on Rossmoor’s three beautiful rinks. A fun variation on the standard pairs format, the Aussie game tends to favor teams that show strength in both positions, allowing the traditional Lead to demonstrate their “skip shots” and testing the usual Skip player on the value of strong opening play. As usual for this event, a strong contingent of Berkeley bowlers was among the competitors. The BLBC players also turned out to be prominent among the winners. 

After the day’s three 10-end games, at the top of the list was Jim Corr, bowling with Micheal McClintock (Santa Clara) in resplendent “Jackson Pollok” shirts. Berkeley dual member, Ian Cameron with partner Tom Burnoski (San Jose) took 4th place, while in 6th and 7th place respectively were the Berkeley duos of Nick Christensen/Daniel Gorelick and Leslie Engler/Sara Allday (the highest placed all-women team). Prize money went down to the 14th position, which was held by Glenn Nunez and Liz Halton (San Francisco) who gallantly stepped up at the last moment to fill in for Berkeley’s Phil Grattan who had to drop out due to illness.

A long day of bowls—but, as always, better than a short day at the office. Congratulations to all the BLBC winning players!

[1] Australian, or more informally, Aussie Pairs is a bowls format that allows both team members to alternate between bowling as Skip and Lead. Sometimes referred to as “2-4-2 bowls,” it encompasses one team member bowling two bowls, followed by the other bowling  four, and finally the first team member playing his or her remaining two bowls. Team members then reverse their positions.

2022 PIMD Aussie Pairs Winners: Jim Corr (r) and Micheal McClintock (l)
2022 PIMD Aussie Pairs 4th Place: Ian Cameron (r) and Tom Burnoski (l)
2022 PIMD Aussie Pairs 6th Place: Leslie Engler (r) and Sarah Allday (l)
2022 PIMD Aussie Pairs 7th Place: Daniel Gorelick and [missing] Nick Christensen
2022 PIMD Aussie Pairs 14th Place: Glenn Nunez and Liz Halton

2022 BLBC 2-Bowl Singles Tournament—Final Result

2022 BLBC 2-Bowl Singles Tournament—Final Result, Report by Jim Corr

BLBC Bowlers,

The 2022 BLBC 2-Bowl Singles Tournament did not go quite as originally planned, but the outcome could have been predicted in advance with last year’s champion, Daniel Gorelick, making it a two-fer in the 2-Bowls in 2022.

After an initial round robin stage, the tournament finals had originally been scheduled as a one-day event for  Saturday, March 19th, but fell foul of a fickle weather forecast—it was the forecast rather than the weather which proved fickle, shifting from day to day but still predicting a substantial, steady rain and cold temperatures on the eve of the competition, so the Tournament Committee decided to call it off. As it turned out, of course, the Saturday was no more than overcast with a few meagre showers—what’s called a fine day for bowling in Scotland—and could easily have been held. 

Instead, the 8 bowlers who had qualified for the quarter-finals played  their individual games over the next three weeks and from that knockout process, Cris Benton and Daniel eventually emerged as the finalists, an intriguing match-up as, in combination, they had won the 2021 Pairs title together. In the event, the final (held on Thursday, April 7th), and played to the first bowler to reach 15 points, was a close affair for the first 16 ends, the lead trading back and forth several times. At the end of the 16th the score was 11-10, but Daniel managed to pull it off with two points on the next two ends and emerged the winner by 15-10.

Congratulations to Daniel! 

And a shout out to all those who participated, as well as all those who volunteered as markers, and a big thanks to Hugo Deaux as Tournament Director.