Palo Alto LBC retains the Meat Axe

For decades, the Berkeley and Palo Alto bowling clubs have played an annual match for possession of the Meat Axe trophy. This year, five teams of three from each club met on the Berkeley green to decide the trophy’s home for the coming year. We played four short games for a total of twenty. Sadly, the Palo Alto club won 11 with Berkeley winning 9…close, but no banana! So, the Meat Axe went back to Palo Alto this year.

The event will be at Palo Alto next year.

Coaching Session Tuesday, July 20 5 p.m.

Jim Corr recently attended a coaching session offered by Tony Scott, one of Australia’s top coaches, was in Northern CA recently giving lessons to those of us who feel we could do with some improvement.

Jim is offering a group coaching session to try to pass on, as best he can, the key points from Tony’s lessons and to run through some of the practice routines he (and other coaches like Larry Murphy and Larry Collaco) suggest.

The session would be short, in line with Tony’s philosophy that you don’t practice for more than an hour at a time (you’ll get bored and lose concentration), and what I’m proposing is to do it next Tuesday, July 20 at 5:00 pm at the Club. We would have maybe 15 minutes of talk in the clubhouse and then one hour of practice on the green.

If you’re interested, please let Jim Know by email

Pizza Night July 15th

The next Pizza Night will be held on Thursday, July 15. As usual, there will be a voluntary work crew at 3, bowling at 5 and dinner at approximately 7. The charge for the pizza is $5. Those of you who cannot come to our regular 12:30 draw games may find this time more suitable.

I want to acknowledge and thank the following members for their work on the ditches and surrounds at the May Pizza Night:Cathy Dinnean, Dave Rockhold, David Sals, Gary Knox, Dave Schmalenberger, June Browne, Sherrill Reeves, Susan Jamart.

Geoff Chandler, President

p.s. Geoff Chandler also deserves the acknowledgement and thanks of the members for his tireless work in maintaining the green and surrounds.

Leisure Town gets bragging rights….

but only by the hair of their collective chinny-chin-chin. The day consisted of four 8-end games with two in the morning and two in the afternoon. Berkeley did loan one of our expert bowlers to LT because one of theirs couldn’t make it. After the morning round, Berkeley was down 2 games to 6! But then there was the afternoon round that Berkeley took 6 to 2. It isn’t higher math to figure out that that amounts to a tie. So, after calculating all the plus points, Leisure Town squeaked by with an ever-so-small margin of victory.

What a hoot! Great weather, good company; just plain fun. If you’re not a lawn bowler, you should give it a try!

Evening Bowling

Yesterday (6/15), a group gathered in the afternoon to trim, sweep, and generally spruce up the club grounds. Of course, the club President, Geoff Chandler was there. Dave Schmalenberger, David Sals, Dave Rockhold, Gary Knox, Sherrill Reeves, Cathy Dinnean, Mark Gurling and Susan Jamark were there to help. We managed to fill the dumpster.

At 5, ten souls bowled a short draw game. Then, at 7, the pizza arrived to feed the group. The pool table saw a little action as David Sals and Mark Gurling played a few games. Perhaps our winter evenings could involve pool games or tournaments.

Will we see YOU at the next session?

Pizza Nite Tuesday June 15

The days are long and the sky is blue. Come one, come all. If you can come early and are willing and able, pull a weed, trim a bush, clean a window or whatever. After the working, there will be bowling at 5 and then pizza. Once again, it will be $5 for pizza. BYOB.

Please welcome Jason Chien, our newest member

Jason is a graduate student in the molecular and cellular biology program at Cal where he works in the same lab as Mark Gurling. Mark was able to convince Jason to give bowls a try at our Open House earlier this year – and he was hooked.

When he’s not working or bowling, Jason enjoys reading and hiking. Please welcome him to the fold. Picture coming soon.

We promote the game of lawn bowling for the enjoyment of new and experienced players alike.