Keith Brooks (1925-2010)

It is with great sorrow that we report the recent death of long-time BLBC member and friend Keith Brooks. Keith died in a house fire on December 27, 2010. Investigators believe that the fire was started by an electric blanket.

Keith joined BLBC in 1991 and has served the club in countless ways. He was club president in 1999 and 2000. He also served on the Board of Directors for the club’s Memorial and Endowment fund.

Keith was active in the club and participated in many tournaments. He opened each of the club’s monthly birthday celebrations with a series of jokes that he delivered with his dry, witty style. Some were so bad that they were good.

Keith was a WWII veteran who saw service in both the European and Pacific theaters. Keith served as the webmaster for his army unit – the 86th Infantry Division.

The members of the club share his family’s sorrow and join in the celebration of his life.

Henry van Dyke once said, “Some people are so afraid to die that they never begin to live.”
Keith lived! We shall miss him.

We have a Novice Champ – at last!

After being rained out twice earlier this fall, we started the day with a half dozen showers. But we wouldn’t give up – it’s bowl or drown. Once we got going, the day was actually very nice. Not too hot, not too cold. Novices Dave Schmalenberger, Andrew & Janet Stapleton, Susan Jamart, Jason Chien, Gerard Lazo and Gary Knox participated in today’s event. Sadly, Mark Gurling and Erwin Vista couldn’t make it and Richard Whitlock was on “injured reserve”.

We bowled two preliminary 12-end games (much to the surprise of PIMD head referee E.B.Parkel who had “never seen” singles played to a set number of ends). After our lunch break, the top four – Andrew, Jason, Gary and Dave – played a semi-final game to 16 points or 12 ends whichever came first. That brought us to our final game.

Andrew Stapleton faced Gary Knox. Both were “in it to win it”. Andrew was off to an early lead, but Gary battled back and, finally, got in the lead. But Andrew was not ready to give in. He battled back until the score was 17-18 Knox advantage. Gary refused to give in, however, and it was in the 24th end that he scored the 21st point for the win.

Here are Andrew and Gary after the match. Congratulations to both men – it was a well-played and entertaining match that drew applause from the spectators when it was over.

A huge thank you to markers Geoff Chandler and Cathy Dinnean who made the day go so much smoother.

Small Gatherings Welcome!

If you have a group that would like to give lawn bowling a try, please contact the club. We can usually accommodate a dozen bowlers. As usual, we will provide all needed equipment. All you bring is the desire to have fun and flat soled shoes to protect our natural grass lawn. Please look through the website for more information about the game.

Your group can make use of the clubhouse for lunches, birthday parties, etc. if arrangements are made well in advance. Please contact the club for more information.


Berkeley bowler Nikki Schrager has placed in two PIMD tournaments. Nikki, along with Ginger Harris and Heather Seacrist placed second in the Women’s Triples tournament at Rossmoor.

Nikki and Ginger then placed first in the PIMD Women’s Pairs event held at San Francisco LBC.

Way to go!

Pizza night on September 23

The next Pizza Night will be on September 23. Bowling will commence at 5 p.m. and will follow the usual informal draw game format. Pizza will be served following the game ($5.00 per person). For those who are willing and able, the club will have a light duty work party starting at 3:30 p.m.

Bowlers Wanted

The 2010 “season” is almost over but we don’t stop our lawn bowling just because winter is around the corner. The grass gets greener and the days get shorter but the bowling will go on all year! If you’re visiting our site and have had thoughts about giving it a try…it’s not too late. If it isn’t raining, we’ll be there on Wednesday and Saturday mornings between 10 and 12 for lessons. All you need to bring is a desire to have some fun.

If those times don’t work, contact the club – perhaps we can arrange a special time for a small group lesson. Why don’t you gather up a few friends and TRY IT, YOU’LL LIKE IT!

New Triples champs emerge

Our annual intra-club triples tournament was held on Saturday, 8/28. We donned our “whites” and gathered at the club for a noon start. We played a full round-robin with each team playing all of the other teams. In the end, the winner emerged with skip Howard Mackey’s team out in front. His vice was Millard Long (our former club president). Novice Andrew Stapleton filled the lead position.

Millard Long, Howard Mackey & Andrew Stapleton

We promote the game of lawn bowling for the enjoyment of new and experienced players alike.