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Berkeley Bowlers Tops in San Jose Winter League

The San Jose Winter League is an annual event, hosted by the San Jose Lawn Bowling Club, that has become a notable feature of the Northern California “off season.” This year the winning teams comprised mainly Berkeley members. First place was taken by Jon Burnowski (BLBC) playing with Greg Fyvie (Santa Cruz). Josh’s younger brothers, Josh and Matt—aged 12 and 9!—and also BLBC members, came in second. Their Dad, Tom, playing with Peter Knopf (Palo Alto) was third, and fourth place was taken by Jim Corr and Nikki Schrager (both BLBC). Altogether 14 teams from clubs around the area competed against each other in a 6-week round robin format in January/February. Congratulations to the winners!

    Here’s a brief video of some of the winners.

Welcome new member Mark Gurling!

Mark Gurling recently joined the club after attending free lessons. Mark is a graduate student at UC Berkeley pursuing an advanced degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology. You may see his wife Ashley and their new daughter Adeline visiting as Mark hones his new-found skills. Welcome to the club Mark (and family).

Welcome new member David Sals!

David comes to us from the Santa Cruz Lawn Bowling Club. David is a Life and Business Coach and also does web design.

When David’s not working or bowling, you might find him leading a men’s circle, performing improv on stage, or spending time with his wonderful family and friends.

Please welcome him to the club! You just might notice his name down at the bottom of our newly designed website.